Fitness Testing Results 2015

November 9th, 2015 0 Comments

Winter Hump Group Fitness Testing

During the Winter Hump challenge we aim to keep motivated and improve our over all fitness. Testing is a great way to see the results. This year we completed; Maximal push ups, Prone hold, ‘Middle Road’ sprint , which is approx 660m timed and a distance run approx 3.0km timed.  We complete the testing in the first and last week of the Winter Hump.

Results vary to suit the fitness abilities of the individual. For example some people did a shorter distance run etc we didn’t see it necessary to add these details next to the individuals names. The individual knows what the variation they tested in therefore their times/results are relevant to the test they completed.

Well done to all participants there were some fantastic improvements in the last 12 months!

Winter hump group outdoor testing results 2015


>>>Compare from last year’s  (Click here to see last years).



