Ing Parkes Snip

“My weight issues have been a long battle for me, I have tried many different options and diets with not much success.  A couple of years ago I realised something had to change.  I started exercising two to three times a week without any particular structure and  I didn’t get much results. I was feeling slightly fitter but lost very little weight.

I met Lukas Chodat during one of my exercise sessions and he encouraged me to sign up for the Winter Hump challenge last year.  I remember my first class, I thought I was going to die.  But Lukas and the trainers kept encouraging me and pushed me to my limits every time.  I started feeling stronger and I was losing more weight.  After the challenge finished I continued my exercise regime and slowly improved my fitness level.  By now I had managed to lose about 15kg.

Things started to settled down and I felt like I had plateaued and stopped going any further forward.  I had another talk with Lukas who encouraged me to try the ‘A Healthier You’ program.  I completed the March 2016 session of the program and focused on eating well and changing my diet to suit me and my lifestyle under the help and guidance of  Kelly, Emily, Fabian and all the other staff plus the encouragement from all the other members I managed to rapidly lose weight.  After that I signed up again for this year’s Winter Hump challenge to further challenge me in my journey.

In the last 6 to 8 months I lost a further 16 kg.  I have now lost a total of 31 kg with my last body scan results topping up my wonderful journey so far.

I feel like a brand new person.  Healthier, fitter and my knees are not hurting me. I even lost a further 7.9% of body fat in the last 13 weeks; this made me feel over the moon. Every single day now I can now sleep on my back without feeling ill.  All this tells me is I have already won my battle.  I will strive to continue doing what I am doing now and never let it go bad again.

I cannot thank everyone enough for all the help, encouragement and moral support.  My favorite change through this was that Lukas has made me love my plain yogurt with fruit and muesli where before just the thought of it made me cringe.  Now I look forward to having it everyday…… What did you do to me Lukas….. hahaa ”

