Tips For a Safe and Successful Strength Program

October 22nd, 2019
Strength training whether it involves weighted or body weight exercises can present a range if difficult movements that can place the body in unsafe situations if not performed correctly and with guidance.
Tips for a safe and successful strength program include:
- Warm up and cool down at each session
- Focus on form not weight (how much you are lifting)
- Work at the right tempo to avoid getting movement from momentum
- Keep challenging your muscles by slowly increasing weight/resistance, but ensuring your technique is good
- Pay attention to your breathing during workouts, this helps with control and load
- Work each major muscle group at least 2-3 times per week
- Give your muscles time off, as strength training causes minor tears in the muscle (this is the soreness we feel a day after the session), at least 48 hours between your next strength training session on the same muscle group
Contact us if we can help further in creating a program for you!